Development Update For Montagne d‚Or Gold Mine


VANCOUVER - Columbus Gold Corp. reported on the development of the Montagne d'Or gold mine project, located in French Guiana, France.  The Montagne d‚Or joint-venture (Columbus 44.99% and Nordgold 55.01%) achieved a major permitting milestone last November by providing its official decision to French authorities to move forward with permitting and development of the Montagne d'Or gold mine following the conclusion of the public hearings conducted under the mandate of the French National Commission of Public Debate (the "CNDP").  The decision takes into account the recommendations of the CNDP to make certain project improvements and modifications.

In January 2019, the CNDP designated two guarantors responsible for the participation of the public in the project development up until the opening of the public inquiry for the permit applications.  The Montagne d'Or joint-venture is in preparation of tenders and scheduling for complementary studies for committed project modifications on the following technical components: Tailings storage facility redesign for the lowering of retainment dams; Waste rock storage design to prevent acid generation; Detailed water management/balance; and Feasibility level study for on-site hybrid solar energy production.

The company’s address is 5411 Bethel Sawmill Center, Columbus, OH 43235, (614) 764-0500,